Just a reminder that no matter how hard Bend's weather sucks, Portland's weather is gonna suck 10 times as hard about 85% of the time.
No wonder Portlanders who move to Bend think they've arrived in "paradise." They're so glad to see the sun shine and give their socks a chance to dry out that they become delirious.
"and give their socks a chance to dry out"
PDX weather-guessers have made a practice of giving rosy predictions EARLY in the week and then progressively down-grading them as The Drear closes in.
My assumption was it was always done in conjunction w/ their advertisers for the Air/Gun/Boat/Dog/whatever Show! Who needs potential warm butts in seats all depressed over the dreadful reality?
Once couples or families have cemented plans earlier on in the week ( they tend to stick WITH them ) To back out due to weather is Un-Oregonianlike and only leads to -further- and deeper depression.
At least that was the formula for years. Ahem, no one is BUYING it lately! You've seen all the gel-coated boats and RV's you can shake a STICK at and... who needs the hassle, traffic AND sucky weather to boot?
They ( along w/ Fest-fest ) have always been heavily promoted, but in recent years they've had to go totally over the top just to get 'em in the door. Last year the wife and I went to a REPO RV 'show' and it sucked major azz. Empty lot by the Expo.
You're looking at RV's for 'what' exactly again..? Oh, so you can go camp in the RAIN "somewhere else"? No thanks, I should be talking to a travel agent!
"To back out due to weather is Un-Oregonianlike"
Many years ago there was a commercial for some utility company (Cascade Natural Gas?) that showed kids playing soccer in a downpour. "This is the Northwest, where life doesn't stop for the weather," the voiceover said. Every time I saw it I said to myself: "Yeah -- because the people are too dumb to come in out of the rain."
As I've said many times before, Oregonians are the queens and kings of denial. And that goes in spades for Bendians.
"And that goes in spades for Bendians."
And Spades IS trump!?
You mention not long ago that Bend didn't make the latest Top 10 Places List ( or whatever? ) and the advertising schpeel that goes into that formula.
Well this is the same brand of "string pushing" where we delude ourselves into thinking "it really, probably, HOPEFULLY will get better by the weekend!?"
Denial, denial, DENIAL!
One of (3) is it.., Drive In movies left in Oregon and we're making plans to bring the grand daughter to the fabulous Dallas Motor Vu for the 'final' Harry Potter movie. Can't wait to make sure everyone has fleece lined jackets and hoods.
Thank goodness it'll be a single feature? We all... know the sad story behind the Drive-in's demise, but I'll do some checking. Are in align w/ the bal. of the nation?
Gotta' ask you. We've had fun at cheerleaders, boosters and boastful bravado-type's expense. But is it now time for city planners, safety officers and OR's in general to GET REAL about our weather situation?
In the past it's been anywhere from wildly entertaining to mildly annoying. Have we reached a point where head-in-sand over our reality has real world impacts that go beyond just blogging about it?
Be it parents in Canby sending kids off to school without even a jacket in April. Inadequate storm drains creating traffic/safety hazards? Flight delays and emergency preparedness?
Never been one to see or create problems where there aren't any but sending kids to school without proper clothing creates an immediate health hazard. BUT wtf, this is Oregon right! Back when 'I' was kid..?
"Never been one to see or create problems where there aren't any but sending kids to school without proper clothing creates an immediate health hazard."
I see kids waiting for school buses in Bend in 30-degree weather wearing just a T-shirt. I think this verges on child abuse, but you'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) at how few people seem to agree with me.
Sadly, I see it everyday. It's one thing when the weather is borderline on any given day, but when it's been -freezing- for MONTHS?
When are we going to dispense w/ the whole fantasy, "Oh.. Oregon has 'mild' winters!" and start gettin' ril?
Hey, I have cruised around without a defroster ( and bloody well gotten away w/ it! ) up until Dec. in times past. Taken all kinds of 'shortcuts' as a homeowner. Blowing off storm windows, caulking, weatherizing you name it! And found myself feeling pretty confident about it?
With harsher winters and unpredictable 'summers', none of us should take anything for granted. When steady rains didn't come until late Oct. even folks of modest means could put off that set of new tires until Turkey day and splurge for Labor Day weekend. That was then. This is the New Normal.
Is it possible to link the ODOT Trip Check cams here? Thought it'd be a great "troll-b-gone" measure.
'Living large'? Loving life.., living the 'dream'? Yeah, check the ODOT cam pal! Just took a gander at Wall & Revere and it looks soaked? Always difficult to make out rain in B&W ( but wall-to-wall Drear and Temp. is hard to refute? )
Just a thought.
I think that would be worthwhile. I'll investigate whether it's possible to do it.
It needn't be ODOT nec. Any old bank tower w/ a view should do!
Total suckage here in Salem. Took some Vit. D w/ my cornflakes this AM. Yeah, we're back to 'that'.
Thanks for looking into it. Instant Troll Rebuttal, right click, copy, you know the drill.
A link to a live ODOT webcam would be even cooler.
Oh yeah! Come to think of it that would be awesome.
Step right up and see The Drear for yourself sonny! Only a quarter. Wink wink.
Here's the thing Salem guy...
Salem Sucks! It's not just your weather that sucks, it's Salem in general. Your weather is not our weather so stop telling us how bad you've got it...we already know, Salem Sucks!
What HBM needs is more than one person from Central Oregon to post up about how they hate Central Oregon, not some guy from the armpit of Oregon talking about weather 120 miles and one mountain range away.
Oh well, at least you guys are entertaining. Actually, HBM is entertaining. Salem guy is that annoying little dog in the cartoons that dances around the big dog and asks a lot of questions.
People from Central Oregon will not post about how they hate Central Oregon because (a) they're in denial or (b) they're trying to sell real estate or (c) both.
PS: The weather in Central Oregon sucks too. Maybe not quite as hard as Salem's, but it still sucks.
Here's the thing How Did I get Here Guy,
Adult professionals base their arguments on *Facts* and Statistics: Hacks and children base them on wants, desires and throw tantrums when they don't get their way. Much as -you- have repeatedly done here.
Given you've to date not provided one SHRED of statistical DATA nor linked an article from a recognized expert, the adults WILL.
San Diego, 71
Los Angeles, 75
SF, 57!!!
SEA, 68 and showers
Bend, a whopping 72
As Bruce mentioned in the post just previous, ALL a solid 5 to 10 Degrees BELOW Normal Highs. As your retention level suffers ( just scroll down? )
Boise, which is further from Bend than Salem is ( didn't HAVE a Spring this year ) and Klamath Falls still waits 'Summer'. This is bigger than just 'you'. It's called the PDO fer' chrissakes and Bruce and I have posted more links to that than you can shake a stick at. Doubting you'd -understand- them if you bothered to READ them?
Your comebacks are the weakest of playground taunting and really have no place in this ( or as far as 'I' can tell ) ANY discussion. Obviously you have -both- of the afflictions Blackdog describes; you're in deep denial AND you have tons of FAILED, UNDERWATER real estate investments to unload. Yeah, it's pretty apparent.
Be they Big Dogs ( or small ) I generally love dogs. But the one dog I WON'T stand for is INVESTMENTS that are 'dogs'. On 'that' point ( your only 'point' ) you're right! You have us both beat hands down. Best of luck negotiating w/ your lenders. See ya'.
Keep it mellow, please, gentlemen.
I'll repeat myself again Salem guy...
I'm well aware of our temps and long winter this year. This was the forecast that was put out last fall. Colder than normal and more precip than normal...yet you keep pointing to it as if it was the norm.
My comebacks are hardly that, I just point out that you're really irrelevant on the subject of "Bend Sucking" You don't live here, you live in Solame...remember?
Denial...not this kid, I live for long snowy winters. This is my kind of place. I hope it gets colder!
Underwater...not this kid. Without going into details, I currently have 0 debt. Everything is paid for and has been for some time now.
Sorry about your luck duder...
"I live for long snowy winters. This is my kind of place."
No, I think Antarctica is your kind of place. Why don't you move there?
"Colder than normal and more precip than normal...yet you keep pointing to it as if it was the norm."
It has indeed been even suckier than normal this year, but cold, dreary drizzly weather dragging on into June is indeed pretty much the norm for Bend, and Oregon for that matter. There's a longstanding joke: "Oregon has four seasons -- almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction."
"No, I think Antarctica is your kind of place. Why don't you move there?"
Certainly not out of the question. If winters become inconsistent like CO & CA, I'll be heading for AK. Different pole I know but I'm sure I'll follow winter if it becomes an issue.
"Obviously you have -both- of the afflictions Blackdog describes; you're in deep denial AND you have tons of FAILED, UNDERWATER real estate investments to unload. Yeah, it's pretty apparent."
The only thing apparent is that you're OK with being wrong. Not everyone in Bend hates the cold weather and not everyone in Bend drank the Koolaid.
"Different pole I know but I'm sure I'll follow winter if it becomes an issue."
Don't let the door hit ya, etc.
Don't let the door hit ya, etc.
awww, don't be that way Boo.
We're here together and that's what matters...at least until you figure out how to escape this "frigid, barren, crap hole". Which, I hope you're able to do at some point.
Me, I'll always be here unless it warms up. Central Oregon has been really good for me. Rode into town on a bicycle, met my wife, started a business, employ 5-6 people, on the mountain all winter, ride my bike all summer. It's a good life for us "simple folk".
My only complaints are lack of truly skilled labor and that it's pretty white bread on the culture end of things.
"My only complaints are lack of truly skilled labor and that it's pretty white bread on the culture end of things."
Right on both counts. There's also a real dearth of people with a good work ethic. Hire somebody to do a job and he may or may not show up, depending on whether there's fresh powder on the mountain or he gets an urge to ride a bicycle or climb a rock.
It's kind of like dealing with 8-year-olds. Makes it very frustrating if you're an employer or a boss.
Personally I've never been able to understand how a (presumably) intelligent adult can be emotionally or intellectually satisfied, year after year, with a life that revolves around play.
"Underwater...not this kid. Without going into details, I currently have 0 debt. Everything is paid for and has been for some time now.
Sorry about your luck duder..."
Cute. Now address our ever deteriorating weather. All you guys have the same story. No debt, no kids, no hassles. Life couldn't be better! blah, blah.
EVERYONE in Bend drank the Kool-aid. "Without going into details" ( like you walked away from all those underwater homes? ) That how you have "zero debt"?
Went thru this same BS during the dot.com fall out. Two years on you couldn't find (1) guy that would own up to blowing himself up on Etrade. Comes w/ the turf I suppose?
Self employed AND has nothing but TIME to spend enjoying outside pursuits? Wow, what's your 'secret'? ( See what I mean? ) I've been thru this a thousand times. Bit by bit your anti-gravity story will get picked apart until there's nothing left. That is until you grow tired of being exposed and leave this blog and arrive as the new kid on the block at another to repeat the process anew.
I'm sure we'll cross paths in blogosphere again some day.
"Personally I've never been able to understand how a (presumably) intelligent adult can be emotionally or intellectually satisfied, year after year, with a life that revolves around play."
Not me, I fully understand that satisfaction. I'm working my arse off with the goal of playing like I did in my 20's when I'm in my 50's. I like my job but I'm not one of those people who needs to stay busy with work. I'd be on the mountain 120 days a year if my bank account allowed. Different strokes for different folks...
Good point about nobody (well, hardly anybody) in Bend being willing to admit they got hosed in the Big Bust. But SOMEBODY must have bought those houses with the foreclosure notices on them ... and I don't think they were all Californians.
Now, we bought our house in 1985 for $85,000. Cash. So being underwater is not our problem. But we do need to unload the thing, and we don't want to give it away.
"Different strokes for different folks..."
Very true. Spending 120 days a year on the mountain (or on the golf course, or on the tennis court, or on a trout stream) would just bore the living piss out of me. I enjoy playing outdoors, but I find no intellectual challenge or creative satisfaction in it.
I was never one of those guys who was driven to make a big pile of money as fast as possible so I could retire at 40 and do nothing but play for the next 40 years (or until I needed knee and/or hip replacements). I wonder how many of the guys (and they're virtually always guys) are ultimately satisfied with that choice and how many decide they've had enough after a few years and go back to work, either starting a new company or becoming consultants.
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." -- 1 Corinthians 13:11
Cute. Now address our ever deteriorating weather. All you guys have the same story. No debt, no kids, no hassles. Life couldn't be better! blah, blah.
I'm not the one with the weather issue...it's fine by me. It's you, who lives in Salem where it rains all day every day that has the issue...and HBM but I'm cutting slack there because it's obvious he's truly over it.
For the record, I have three kids, no debt, and very few hassles.
EVERYONE in Bend drank the Kool-aid. "Without going into details" ( like you walked away from all those underwater homes? ) That how you have "zero debt"?
Remember a couple posts ago when I said you were wrong all the time...yup, wrong again duder. Never walked away from anything and that's a fact. Here's another fact, you do not make a living as a psychological profiler do you?
Self employed AND has nothing but TIME to spend enjoying outside pursuits? Wow, what's your 'secret'? ( See what I mean? )
I'm buried with work, have been for a long time. I just make shit happen...as do a lot of people I know in this town. Life is short, if you want it, get after it.
I've been thru this a thousand times. Bit by bit your anti-gravity story will get picked apart until there's nothing left. That is until you grow tired of being exposed and leave this blog and arrive as the new kid on the block at another to repeat the process anew.
Really, 1000x's...Really? You better tighten that grip man, you're sanity is slipping. Oh Oh, that's right, you've been around since that blog that Homer had but you can't remember the name of.
I'm sure we'll cross paths in blogosphere again some day.
Oh, I'm not going anywhere. I'm having waaaaay too much fun watching you "Pick apart my anti-gravity story"
You're special Salem Guy and don't you forget it!
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." -- 1 Corinthians 13:11
Maybe that's why you're so grumpy!
Sorry man, you just left that one out there.
I don't know, I've always followed what felt right for me. I'm about 12 years old in my head and I've got no issues with that...nobody else seems to have an issue with it either. As long as I raise my children well and provide, what does it really matter if I enjoy the same activities that I did as a child.
To each his/her own...
Maybe it's a generational thing. I was raised with the idea that people should strive to use their intelligence and talents to contribute something worthwhile to society. That must seem like a quaint old-fashioned notion to the Slacker Generation.
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